Lights, Camera, Action

Author: News Bureau
Posted: Monday, October 9, 2017 12:00 AM
Categories: Faculty/Staff | Pressroom

Cochran, GA


Brooks Jones, an officer with the Middle Georgia State University Police Department, recently made his acting debut - sort of.

As a young officer who recently graduated from police training, he was invited to play roles in a series of videos designed to train other law enforcement personnel in Georgia what do to when faced with on-the-job situations where they might be tempted to make unethical decisions.

In this interview with Larry Hollingsworth, intern in the MGA Office of Marketing and Communications, Jones discussed his experiences acting in the videos.

MGA: What challenges did you face learning the video scripts?

Jones: They were easy to memorize, other than when I had to ad lib police terms that some of the more experienced officers use daily. I tried to go with what I knew in those situations.

MGA: Why did you want to be involved in this? BJ: My dad is a member of the Georgia Police Officers Standards and Training Council (POST). He was my inspiration for this. Law enforcement has always been part of my family life.

MGA: Are the characters in the videos anything like you? Was it easy to play the characters?

Jones: It was challenging sometimes. The Internal Affairs scenarios were different for me since I’ve never really had to deal with them before because I'm new on the force. I grew up watching my Dad do police work, though, so I can remember what that was like. I’ve been around this kind of stuff most of my life so I do think the characters and I have some similarities. This helped me stay focused during the project and be comfortable with my roles.

MGA: Is this your first time as an 'actor'?

Jones: Yes.

MGA: Did making these videos change the way you look at campus police issues at MGA?

Jones: Somewhat. They made me more aware of the kind of situations that can happen while on duty.

MGA: Anyone you'd like to acknowledge for helping you?

Jones: My dad, Chief Shawn Douglas of the MGA Police Department, and the people at POST.

MGA: Are you planning any future acting roles?

Jones: Only if asked.