Finding Greatness: Elijah Stinehelfer
Author: News Bureau
Posted: Monday, February 28, 2022 12:00 AM
Students | Pressroom | Finding Greatness | School of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Macon, GA

Marine veteran and political science major Eli Stinehelfer is pursuing his passion at MGA. After graduating, he hopes to gain government experience and return to guide future students as a professor.
Full Name: Elijah “Eli” Andrew Stinehelfer
Age: 25
Hometown: Warner Robins.
Residence: Macon.
Employment: Full-time student.
Degree Objective: Bachelor of Science in Political Science. “I plan to pursue a doctorate in political science after graduation.”
Class Rank: Senior.
Primary Campus: Macon.
Activities: “I am a member of the student fees board for the 2021-2022 academic year and a member of the Alpha Mu Zeta chapter Pi Sigma Alpha honor society for political science.”
Career Goals: “I hope to work in either international relations under the U.S. State Department as a Foreign Service Officer to help strengthen my own understanding of the world while also strengthening U.S. relations worldwide, or as a mayor or state representative to help grow and serve my local community. After gaining some experience in the world of political science, I hope to return as a professor and guide future students.”
He chose Middle Georgia State University because … “After my service in the Marine Corps, I wanted to be able to return home to my local community. I also wanted to get an education that would allow me to remain a part of the community I grew up with and pursue a brighter future.”
The greatest thing he discovered about Middle Georgia State is … “The willingness of faculty to work alongside students. Some universities care more about funding research than they do about the education of their students, but MGA has shown me that there are more than a few professors who are so passionate about their fields and their desire to mentor students that they will put their day on pause to answer questions and provide feedback.”
His greatest academic experience as a Middle Georgia State student has been … “The opportunity to get involved with the student fees board. It has definitely been an eye-opener into the inner workings of a university. I have also thoroughly enjoyed my time in the political science department. When I first returned to MGA, I was an aviation student, and then history. However, finding my place in the political science department, and being able to work alongside the incredible faculty that MGA has on staff has encouraged me to pursue my education beyond undergrad and really chase my dreams passionately.”
To him, “greatness” means … “Putting good back into the world. We are often faced with troubling news both in media and in our personal lives, and it is sometimes hard to remember that there is still good in the world and that we can all strive to understand each other better. It’s important that we go into the world openly, with a willingness to learn and understand, because that is the only way to truly find ourselves in a community. Greatness is learning to help our neighbors in our actions, not just in our words.”
In five years … “I plan to be most of the way through my doctorate program, working alongside faculty to complete research while also serving in the local community. I want to get even more involved in local issues and elections, and allow myself to find greatness in everything I do.”