MGA Professor Named Governor’s Teaching Fellow
Author: News Bureau
Posted: Thursday, February 17, 2022 12:00 AM
Pressroom | Honors/Awards | Faculty/Staff | School of Health and Natural Sciences
Athens, GA

Dr. Patsy Butts, associate professor of nursing and coordinator of the Pre-Licensure BSN degree program at Middle Georgia State University, is among the faculty from institutions of higher education across the state selected to be 2022 Governor’s Teaching Fellows.
The Governor's Teaching Fellows program was established in 1995 by Zell Miller, then governor of Georgia, to provide Georgia's higher education faculty with expanded opportunities for developing important teaching skills. Miller envisioned that this program would address faculty members' pressing need to use emerging technologies and instructional tools that are becoming increasingly important for learning in today's society.
The Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program is an outreach program of the Institute of Higher Education at the University of Georgia. To improve the quality of instruction in Georgia's colleges and universities, the Governor's Teaching Fellows Program assumes the complex challenge of moving college faculty members to the leading edge of instructional practice. This effort to enhance instruction in public and private higher education statewide is very much in keeping with the University of Georgia's traditional mission as a land-grant institution committed to diversified outreach and public service.
Butts, who has been a member of MGA’s faculty since 2014, holds a doctorate in nursing education from the University of West Georgia, a master’s in nursing education from Walden University, and a nursing diploma from Georgia Baptist School of Nursing.
She is a member of Pi Nu Chapter, Sigma, and the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, among other professional memberships. Butts is a Certified Nurse Educator and holds National League for Nursing certification.