Finding Greatness: Stephen Adams
Author: News Bureau
Posted: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 12:00 AM
School of Business | Finding Greatness | Pressroom
Macon, GA

As an MGA student, Stephen Adams worked as an intern with the Macon Economic Development Commission. Now he’s executive director of the Macon-Bibb Industrial Authority.
Full Name: Stephen Holden Adams.
Age: 38.
Hometown & Residence: Macon.
Employment: Executive director, Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority.
MGA Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business and Information Technology, Class of 2008.
Describe your current career.
“I am currently the executive director of the Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority after having served as project manager, director of operations and economic development director. In one of my last classes at MGA I asked my marketing professor, who was also the VP of the Macon Economic Development Commission at the time, if I could intern with him. Little did I know that would lead me to starting with MBCIA in 2009, and that eventually I would become executive director.
“At MBCIA I get to work with amazing people, both locally and from all around the world. While my daily operations rarely are the same from one day to the next, we focus on bringing new opportunities to Macon-Bibb County via new industries that are looking to build new facilities. Most recently we have worked with Amazon, Dean Baldwin Painting, Irving Consumer Products, Embraer, Kumho Tire and Schnitzer Steel, just to name a few. These companies and others have invested more than $1.4 billion in our community over the last 5 years, creating over 2,500 new jobs. In addition to working with new prospective industries we also work directly with our existing industries to ensure they are getting the necessary resources to be successful. It truly is an honor to work with our community and state partners to make opportunities like these possible.”
What is one of the highlights of your career at MBCIA?
“Working with Kumho Tires. I was able to support them and be with them every single day, working with South Korea officials and making some lifelong friendships. Getting to know them and seeing the impact of the jobs on our community and their families really makes all the stress of the job fade away.”
Describe how your Middle Georgia State experiences are benefiting you now?
“On a daily basis, something I learned at MGA has an impact on the decisions I make and the direction it takes me.”
What advice would you give a current student or recent graduate interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?
“Intern. Learn more about that field and make sure you really know that this is what you would like to do. Communication is critical. Good communication with all parties will take you far. Misunderstandings can lead to so many solutions or problems. Communication is not always telling your story, but it’s more about understanding your audience.”
In five years …
“I’ll be continuing to carry out the work of providing opportunities to my community and making Macon-Bibb County the best place to live, work and play.”
Originally published in the spring 2022 issue of MGA Today magazine.