Page 55 - Knighted_2018
P. 55

Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Making Friends
                                                  Ashley Scully

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a disorder with core symptoms such as hyperactivity,
inattention, and impulsiveness. Children that have been diagnosed with ADHD display
unacceptable and abnormal social behavior that results in rejection by their peers. They tend to
take a more negative view on most subjects, fail to take social cues, and rarely are able to adjust
successfully in new social situations. Children that are diagnosed with ADHD typically engage
in short, unsatisfying friendships. Over time, the build-up of rejections results in low self-esteem,
poor academic performance, and actions of defiance as defense mechanisms. Children with
ADHD also struggle with conversation capabilities, and the forms of conversation that they use
make those around them feel uncomfortable. An educator’s role is to give the child the assistance
that they need to transform how they approach and interact with others. With the assistance of
the teacher, the child is capable of developing normal social skills and achieving social success.
As the child’s social life begins to improve, other aspects such as academics and self-esteem are
forever changed for the better.

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