What are your preferred dates for instruction? Please give your top 3 choices in order of preference. |
Most Library sessions generally include an introduction to the services and resources that the Library offers including how to navigate the library website. Also included is an introduction to effective database searching to find articles and other sources. Students will generally have time to search on their own and to print/save/cite the articles that they have found and ask questions. |
What would you like the librarian to cover during your instruction session? |
Creating a Research Plan
Developing and refining a topic
Evaluating the credibility of Website
Generating research ideas and narrowing a topic
The difference between scholarly and popular sources
Finding and accessing books using GIL-Find
Finding primary sources, reviews, statistics, films, or other specialized materials
Advanced research: citation tracing, accessing outside resources (ILL/ GIL Express)
Library Tour
When you click "Send" a copy of the form, and any attachment, will be emailed to the contact person at the selected campus. A confirmation copy of the email will also be sent to the email address entered on the form. |