Curriculum Development

The Middle Georgia State University Faculty Handbook states that curriculum and course development, changes, and evaluation are responsibilities of every faculty member. (Faculty Handbook, Section 5.04.04)

All modifications or additions to the MGA curriculum are accomplished using the processes on this web page. All curriculum proposals must receive approval from:

  1. Department Chairs and School Deans
  2. The Office of Academic Affairs
  3. The MGA Academic Affairs Committee

Depending on the nature of the proposal, additional approvals may also be required from:

  1. The MGA Faculty Senate
  2. The Board of Regents

In 2018 the Senate Committees were reorganized, and coinciding with the USG announcing a redesign of the general education curriculum, the General Education Committee ceased regular activity until the redesign is complete. In the interim, curriculum changes, including changes that affect the core curriculum proceed through the Academic Affairs Committee and the Faculty Senate in their approval.

Curriculum Management software is now being used to manage the curriculum development process. Forms are completed online and automatically flow through the approval process. If you have questions regarding this software, please contact Rachel Podwolsky. Videos explaining how to use the software are available here.

Curriculum development and approval is often a complicated and time-consuming process, and key deadlines must be met if new courses and programs are to be implemented in a timely manner. Please refer to the calendar on this page for important curriculum approval dates and deadlines.