Knights LEAD

At MGA, we build leaders who will make an impact at the university, in their communities, and in their careers. First-year students who join Knights LEAD develop the skills to make them competitive for internships, campus leadership roles, and academic honors. In the fall, members of Knights LEAD participate in engaging team-based leadership roleplays where they can apply their skills to practical situations and build relationships with their peers.  Students who complete the fall sessions are rewarded with a corporate tour where they can see how a large corporation puts leadership into practice and what future career paths are available to them.  Students also attend the Student Leadership Conference, compete in the Student Leadership Challenge, and serve with others during Leadership & Service Day.  This program is offered in Cochran and Macon.

Upon completion of Knights LEAD, students receive a certificate and graduate to the Emerging Leaders Program.  Students who complete both programs will be eligible for a graduation cord.  Students who continue to participate in the Student Leadership Programs for a third year and beyond will be listed on a perpetual plaque located in the Center for Career & Leadership Development.

We believe that all students have the capacity to learn leadership skills and apply these skills in every situation they encounter. Leadership isn't just for those elected to executive board positions or those who supervise others at work. Leadership is for everyone and starts with the relationships you build with others (Kousez & Posner, 2013).

As a member of Knights LEAD, you will receive a faculty/staff mentor, service opportunities, leadership training, immediate access to career advising, guidance on accessing MGA resources, and the opportunity to make life-long friends.

How to Join Knights LEAD
Registration for Fall 2025/Spring 2026 cohorts (groups) for Knights LEAD Macon and Cochran will open June 2025!  To apply, we do ask that you be admitted to MGA and be committed to attending in Fall 2025. Knights LEAD is a full-year program open to any first-year student at MGA.

KNIGHTS LEAD FALL 2025/SPRING 2026 Registration. PRIORITY DEADLINE: JULY 22; REGULAR DEADLINE: AUGUST 11                                                          

Knights LEAD Kick-Off Meeting: Knights LEAD begins in the fall with Kick-Off Meetings in Macon and Cochran where you get to meet your peers, the faculty/staff mentors, and the Coordinator for Student Leadership Programs. You will also get your Leadership t-shirt, and learn what it means to be an MGA Knight. The Fall 2025 Kick-Off Meetings will be scheduled in August.  If you applied, check your email in August for an invitation. 

Mentors: Students who attend the first Kick-Off Orientation Meeting will be assigned a faculty/staff mentor and an iLEAD Peer Educator mentor. Mentors are there to answer questions, provide advice about college, and be another connection at the university.  

Service Opportunities: Students in Knights LEAD participate in service projects in the fall and spring, including the MGA Day of Service in September.   

Knights LEAD Sessions: Each semester, we host fun, interactive leadership sessions. Learning during the sessions takes place through interactive leadership role-playing games and case studies. At the end of the sessions, we have a conversation about the day's scenario, focused on specific career and leadership competencies we know will be useful to you in your collegiate, personal, and professional lives. Yes, we know graduation and your first job are years away, but it's important to begin building those skills early. Plus, these skills will help you if you choose to pursue campus leadership roles. 

To prepare you for your future dream job and other opportunities to lead, we focus on the following career competencies in the program:

  • Leadership
  • Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
  • Oral/Written Communication
  • Teamwork/Collaboration
  • Professionalism/Work Ethic
  • Global/Intercultural Fluency
  • Digital Technology
  • Career Management

Students who complete Knights LEAD are recognized at our annual recognition event and receive priority consideration for Emerging Leaders.