
Spring 2025 Commencement

Middle Georgia State’s Fall Commencement ceremonies will take place on Wednesday, May 7th, and Thursday, May 8th, 2025. Each ceremony will be in-person in the Recreation & Wellness Center located off Ivey Drive on the Macon Campus. Each graduate may reserve up to five tickets for guests, including children, and each guest MUST have a ticket. There will be an option to reserve up to two additional tickets online on a first-come, first-served basis. Guests should be seated no later than 20 minutes before the ceremony. There will be no late seating.

All students must apply for graduation through their SWORDS account two semesters before their last term.

Congratulations Graduates!


Application Deadlines

Make sure to submit your graduation application before the Application Deadline

Are you Eligible to Graduate?

We encourage students to meet with your advisor two full semesters before your last term to ensure you are eligible to apply for graduation.

Senior Brick Campaign

senior student on a brick pathwayMGA SENIORS! Commemorate your experience at Middle Georgia State by participating in the Senior Brick campaign with an engraved brick at the new Peyton T. Anderson Enrollment Center. Personalizing a brick is a great way to celebrate your achievements, friendships and memories at MGA!


View Graduation Photos

Commencement photographs will be taken of all graduates as they are individually congratulated. A private company, GradImages, provides this complimentary service as each graduate crosses the dais during the commencement ceremony. GradImages will also send information to your MGA email address.

Graduates can order additional photos Within three to seven days following commencement at or by calling (800) 261-2576.

To view general graduation photos, visit the MGA Facebook graduation photo album. Anyone is free to make copies of these images for their own use.