Page 12 - MGA Today - Fall 2016
P. 12
Women’s Volleyball, Cross-Country
Teams Expand Knights Athletics
THE 2016 FALL SPORTS SEASON athletes. Both volleyball and cross-country are
MADE HISTORY AT MIDDLE included in the Southern States Athletic
GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY. Conference. The sports are good fits for the
MGA announced a year earlier that it would Macon Campus, which renovated the “old” gym
expand its varsity sports from eight to 10 teams. for the volleyball team’s home games.
The two new sports chosen were women’s volley-
ball and cross-country. Orlando Gonzalez is the volleyball team’s first
coach. He has more than 25 years of coaching
“It’s a great opportunity,” said Theresa Lasal, experience.
one of the top runners for the new cross-country
team. “Being part of a team helps me to push “Building a program from the ground level is
limitation barriers, create solid relationships with a unique and exciting opportunity,” he said. “We
my peers and participate in a healthy amount of can establish a great culture from the beginning
daily activity.” and choose our traditions and standards that lay
the foundation for the future generations of
James Hagler, MGA’s interim athletics Knights volleyball players.”
director, said, “The addition of the two sports
based on the Macon Campus shows the April Reese, a volleyball team member, said
University’s commitment to provide multiple she is grateful MGA gave her a chance to continue
opportunities across multiple campuses for our playing a sport she loves at the collegiate level.
students to be involved. Especially in the case of “I’m extending my playing career while receiving
the volleyball team, we now have more an education,” she said.
opportunities for student interaction and another
way to draw visitors to the campus.” Harley Miller, the women’s cross-country
coach, said building a team from scratch was
Adding two sports allowed more than 30 challenging but rewarding. “The runners seem to
women to join MGA’s community of student be enjoying being a part of something new, so it’s
been worth it,” he said.
By Tyler Rosenfield