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Dear Friends, Behind each of these successes are dedicated
faculty and staff. As I hope you will appreciate
As we finish out our second year as a after reading this issue, there is no shortage of
University, Middle Georgia State has made scholarship going on at Georgia’s newest – and
significant progress. We have established a new most affordable – public university.
University Advisory Council, drawing public and As I shared with the campus community in
private sector leaders from across the region and a blog not long ago, connecting the dots between
state, whose insight will help us grow smarter, not the technical what and the philosophical why
just faster. is what education is all about. We see it on our
We continue to add to our graduate offerings, campuses every day – among faculty, staff, and
with two more master’s degrees launching this students.
summer. The Master of Arts in Teaching and the We have a great story to tell. The experi-
Master of Science in Management are both tar- ences we create for students, the scholarly
geted to meet the needs of our region’s workforce. works faculty generate, the contributions we
We are not only striving to meet post- make to economic development – each of
baccalaureate needs, but are attracting more those becomes part of our story. Thank you
students hoping to earn college credit while still for helping us write a compelling one.
in high school. Move on When Ready, which now
includes books and transportation, has grown Sincerely,
significantly. In fact, Middle Georgia State ranks
5th among University System of Georgia Christopher Blake, Ph.D.
institutions for dual-enrolled students. President
As we recommit to not only diversified
enrollment, but retention, progression, and
graduation, we remain committed to the
experiential learning, applied research, and
unique programs that make Middle Georgia State
an asset to the state’s economy.
We continue to expand our aviation foot-
print, working to establish new sites in Atlanta
and Valdosta, while opening our doors to aviation
students from neighboring states with in-state
tuition for Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina.
We continue to engage with and support our
surrounding communities. We are proud to have
been instrumental in the launch of the Georgia
VECTR (Veteran Education Career Transition
Resource) Center in Warner Robins, which helps
veterans transition from military to civilian life
and was featured in our last issue.
We recently kickstarted the Middle Georgia
State University Athletics Association as part of
our Foundation and hosted our first MGA
Baseball Alumni weekend.
Spring 2017 MGA TODAY 3