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Student Government Association

Student Government Association Preamble

SGA SealWe, the student body of Middle Georgia State University, believe that we have the right and the authority of self-governance. In order to preserve and further these aims; to promote understanding and involvement among all members of the university community; to represent, advocate, and legislate the interest of the student body; to serve as partners in the administrative processes of the university; to protect our right to govern ourselves; to be the official voice of students in academic, institutional and campus affairs; we do hereby establish this Constitution for the Middle Georgia State University Student Government Association (SGA).

Voice your opinion at your own convenience! If you have questions or concerns, please email the SGA at  .

2024 – 2025 Executive Board

SGA President: Matthew Swanson ()
Vice President of Western District: Ashlynne Corbin ()
Vice President of Western District: Vacant

Executive Secretary: Vacant

Treasurer: Vacant

Chief Justice: Diajia Pryce

Senate Speaker Pro Tempore: Lorenzo Darden

Marketing Coordinator: Hannah Colvard

Community Outreach Coordinator: Ana Elena Gutierrez


Michael Chinedu

Krystal Crooms

Greyson Jackson


SGA Constitution