Strategies and Procedures for Faculty
Encouraging Student Growth
The Writing Center helps students to better understand how to improve their writing. Directing your students to our home webpage for the Writing Center allows them to make an appointment or learn more about Writing Center consultants and events.

Faculty members can help encourage MGA Writing Center visits by following the steps provided below:
- Please post a link to our home webpage in your D2L courses.
- Schedule introductory presentations for your classes.
- If you are teaching asynchronous online courses, please email for access to a pre-recorded introductory video.
- Offer incentives for students who work with a writing consultant in the Writing Center. Some examples of incentives include:
- allowing extra time for completing an assignment
- raising a grade for an effective revision of a graded assignment
- adding an extra point or two to an essay grade for students who work with a Writing Consultant.
Faculty may wish to require students to visit the Writing Center for specific assignments or require a certain number of visits per semester. For course-wide Writing Center requirements, please allow adequate time for our schedule and staff to accommodate your entire class.
If you have any other questions or concerns regarding the Writing Center, please email or .
Note that required visits are effective only when students are prepared to be active participants in our highly collaborative sessions, and we therefore ask that faculty do the following:
- Help students understand what to expect in a Writing Center session by directing them to that information on our homepage.
- Emphasize that students should have specific goals, topics, or questions for their Writing Consultant.
- Provide students with feedback that enables them focus on areas in which you see room for improvement.
The Writing Center Consultant will contact the faculty member by email after a client’s session to communicate basic information about the session. This is useful for faculty that require Writing Center appointments for certain assignments or give an incentive for students who attend a session.
Writing Consultants make every effort to send reports to the correct faculty member. Please note, however, Writing Consultants see many students and rely on the information the student provides when contacting the correct faculty member.
Faculty seeking feedback on writing assignments or student writing processes are welcome to contact MGA Writing Center Coordinators Dr. Sharon Colley () or Cassie Outler ().
Adapted from the KSU Writing Center