Online Tutoring Opportunity
The Student Success Center (SSC) is eager to help students succeed academically by offering a direct connection to tutors with Online Tutoring. This method of tutoring provides faculty with an opportunity to place a specialized and trained SSC tutor in their D2L Brightspace course(s). The online tutor is familiar with the course content and a consistent academic resource available in-person and online. An encouraging advantage of Online Tutoring is location, as students’ tutoring needs are found conveniently in a D2L Brightspace course. Thank you, and the SSC looks forward to assisting your students directly as Online Tutors.
Directions for Adding an Online Tutor in D2L Brightspace
- Click on Course Tools
- Click on Classlist
- Click on the Add Participant button
- Select Add existing users (i.e., the tutor’s email address)
- Enter the user (tutor) account in the search box (not the MGA email address) and click the search icon
- If the user is found, enroll the tutor as Online Student Tutor
- Check the box by the User Name
- Select the role (Online Student Tutor)
- Select the section (there is no other option)
- Click Enroll Selected Users
- Note: Do not extract the contents of the tutor contact module ZIP file!
- Go to "Course Admin"
- Click on "Import/Export/Copy Components"
- Under "What would you like to do?", choose "Import Components"
- Upload the ZIP file containing the tutor contact module and click "Import All Components"