Respiratory Entrance Exam

Respiratory Entrance Exams are now open for registration. If you are a current MGA student in need of the Respiratory Entrance Exam but cannot attend one of the open appointments, please contact for assistance.

To register, please read the information below, then select the Click to Register button at the bottom of this page. A $15.00 fee is associated with the Respiratory Entrance Exam (REE)

Thank you for making an appointment to take the Respiratory Entrance Exam (REE) for the Associate Degree in Respiratory Therapy. If you have not done so, please apply to the AS Respiratory Therapy Program at

  • The first part of the exam will have 40 Math questions that target adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. The exam will also have proportions, percent calculations and metric conversions.
  • A link to help you prepare for the Math portion of this exam is: Sample REE w/ Answers. No calculators of any kind will be allowed.
  • The second part of the exam will be an essay. You will be asked to reflect on four questions.
  • You will have 90 minutes to complete both parts of the exam.

Your REE will be scored by the Respiratory Admissions Committee in the Respiratory Therapy Program. Your scores will be e-mailed to the address you have on the exam. A minimum score of 75 is required for both the Math and Written parts of the exam to be considered for the program. There is a 30 day waiting period before you are allowed a second attempt. Only two attempts are permitted. Once you have passed the REE your application process will begin. The admissions committee will review your transcripts, GPA, academic history and notify you of your status.

Again, thank you for your interest in the Respiratory Therapy Program.
The Respiratory Therapy Faculty

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