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Academic Renewal Policy

Degree-seeking students (both Transfer and Readmitted Students) who have experienced academic difficulty (GPA less than 2.50) previously at any USG Institution have one opportunity to make a fresh start after an absence of three years from an institutionally accredited Institution. Students are encouraged to apply at the time of admission, re-enrollment or re-enrollment as a transfer Student. The Academic Renewal Application should be completed and returned to the Office of the Registrar.

Academic renewal does not remove grades previously earned from the student's transcript, nor does it change academic standing. A renewal GPA is begun when the student resumes taking coursework following approval for Academic Renewal. The new GPA can change dramatically after the first semester of enrollment if the student does well. For example, a student who is granted Academic Renewal takes two courses during the first semester after re-enrollment for which he or she receives two B grades would now have a 3.0 GPA and would be in Good Standing. There are other provisions applicable to Academic Renewal as applies to graduation, honors etc. which students who apply for academic renewal should be aware of. For additional information go to the catalog and search Academic Renewal Policy.

Repeated Course Policy

A student who repeats a course will have the cumulative Grade Point Average calculated using the highest grade earned. The grade of the first and subsequent attempts that are excluded from the GPA will remain on the student's official permanent record.