Academic Programs
Master Degrees
- Curriculum and Instruction with a Focus in Literacy-M.Ed. (Curriculum) (Online)
- Teacher Education-M.A. (Curriculum) (Online)
Bachelor Degrees
- Elementary/Special Education-B.S. (Curriculum) (Cochran, Macon)
- Social Work-B.S.W. (Curriculum) (Macon)
- Education-Minor (Curriculum)
- Social Work-Minor (Curriculum)
Applying to The Education Program
- Complete application packet located on MGA Department of Teacher Education and Social Work website.
- Meet the curriculum and minimum GPA requirements for program.
- Complete recommendation form requirements for program.
- Present Certificate of Completion of Georgia Educator Ethics Exit Assessment (GACE 360).
- Complete criminal background check.
Admission process & timeline
Fall - Early Spring :
- Complete checklist and the student Information sheet
- Complete recommendation form requirements for program.
- Meet with Department of Teacher Education and Social Work Academic Advisor to ensure program of study is on track.
- Complete GACE Educator Ethics Exit (360) and submit a copy of certificate of completion
Submit Application to Department of Teacher Education and Social Work
- Elementary/Special Education and Secondary Track deadline: April 1.
Prospective candidates will submit their application packet by April 1. Prospective candidates may still have coursework and application requirements remaining to satisfy, but should submit application in order to acknowledge their intent to enroll with Fall cohort.
March – Summer:
- Once students have completed all application requirements the Department of Teacher Education and Social Work will request a Pre-Service Certificate from the GaPSC.
- Upon receipt of a copy of the Pre-Service Certificate by the Department of Teacher Education and Social Work the prospective candidate will be notified in writing by the Department of Teacher Education and Social Work of their acceptance.
- Upon acceptance, students in the Para to Teacher Cohort are required to submit a Principal's Statement of Support.
Program information
- The Clinical Placement calendar is aligned with the placement school district's calendar, not MGA's academic calendar.
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