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Undergraduate students in the School of Business are assigned to both a professional advisor and a faculty mentor. Professional advisors assist students with course selection and planning in order to reach degree completion in a timely manner. Faculty mentors guide students with career goals, professional certifications, continuing education beyond an undergraduate degree, and experiential learning opportunities such as study abroad programs and internships.

Freshman and Sophomores (< 60 hours)

Freshman and Sophomore level students are required to meet with their professional advisors each semester. If you do not know who your professional advisor is, please contact the School of Business: 478.471.2724.

Juniors and Seniors (> 60 hours)

Juniors and Seniors are required to meet with their professional advisors annually. Juniors and Seniors should also contact their academic advisor in their junior year. If you do not know who your academic advisor is, please contact the School of Business: 478.471.2724.

Graduate Students

Graduate students enrolled in the MSM or MBPL program are not required to meet with an advisor but are encouraged to contact either Tara Hill (478.477.3394) or Dr. Marc Miller (478.471.2724) to ensure that they progress through the MSM or MBPL program in a timely manner. 

Professional Advisor Contact Information

Advisor for last names A-D
Ashley Vinson
Phone: 478.471.2724

Advisor for last name E-L
Connie Jenkins
Macon, Warner Robins 
Phone: 478.471.2724 

Advisor for last name M-R 
Kori Johnson
Phone: 478.471.2724 

Advisor for last names S-Z
Johnathon Jebram
Phone: 478.934.5205 


Students who do not live on campus may be advised online through e-advising. Please click the following link and set up your account and schedule your e-advising appointment:

Advising Documents

Listed below are degree planning sheets and other documents which students may find helpful during the advising and registration process.

B.S. In Business Administration:
B.S. In Health Services Administration:
B.S. In Sports Management:
M.S. In Management:
M.B. In Profressional Leadership:

Note: In the event of a discrepancy between the Middle Georgia State University Catalog and any departmental materials (including Advising Worksheets), the Middle Georgia State Catalog prevails.Expectations of the Advising process

Expectations of the Advising Process

Advisors are expected to...

  • Comply with requirements of the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act and other college regulations.
  • Understand Middle Georgia State University program/degree requirements and effectively communicate them.
  • Assist advisee in making course selections and long-term plans.
  • Be a point source for resources and referrals.
  • Be available throughout the academic year, including prior to and during early registration.

Advisees are expected to...

  • Respect the advisor.
  • Make, keep, and be on time for appointments.
  • Read and apply the information in the Academic Catalog.
  • Be prepared for appointments.
  • Be familiar with the program of study/degree requirements/curriculum (learn about prerequisites, etc.)