Programs Serving Minors

Middle Georgia State University (MGA) offers a variety of camps, clinics and activities that bring non-student minors onto campus. These include but are not limited to athletic camps, after school programs, science camps, aviation camps, music camps, and other enrichment programs. Moreover, through dual-enrollment including the Georgia Academy of Arts, Mathematics, Engineering & Sciences, the MGA student body includes minors who participate in both academic programs and co-curricular activities, such as Registered Student Organizations and International Programs. These programs are of great educational value and serve to benefit both the institution and the larger community.

Policy and Procedures

Middle Georgia State University has implemented a Minors Policy that focuses on the safety and well-being of campus visitors, providing a healthy environment for all who participate, volunteer or work on campus. This policy, which is structured by the guidelines set forth in the Board of Regents policy Protecting Non-Student Minors on Campus, includes non-student and visiting minors.

In order to ensure the best environment possible for these programs that serve non-student minors, the following procedures must be followed:

  • All programs working with or serving non-MGA student minors must be submitted for approval and officially registered. A centralized database will track all MGA events and programs that serve non-student minors. For recurring events that serve non-student minors, annual renewal will be required. To register your program, please click HERE.