student sculpture art pieces
student sculpture art pieces
student sculpture art pieces
student sculpture art pieces
student sculpture art pieces
student sculpture art pieces
student sculpture art pieces
student sculpture art pieces
student sculpture art pieces

Media, Culture, & the Arts

Welcome to our multi-faceted department!

In Media, Culture, and the Arts (MCA), various areas of study include Art, Film Production, Interdisciplinary Studies, Modern Language , Music, and Media and Communication. All faculty members are exceptionally qualified in their areas of instruction. We offer classes through different delivery methods (face-to-face, online, etc.), and welcome visitors to our busy but warm office areas where students and professors interact.

Students find plenty of opportunities to share their talents and education through MCA-sponsored cultural events. Student-based music and theater programs are presented on both main campuses each semester. Additionally, students can participate in the annual juried art show. Our department is the point of contact for The Statement, the university's student-led newspaper.

Visiting professionals provide inspiration for students; guest artists are regularly featured in the Peacock Gallery, on the Cochran campus, and musical artists present in the Arts Complex Rehearsal Hall, on the Macon campus.

MCA also offers real-world, hands-on experience for students within and outside of the MCA curriculum. Explore and get involved in our student-operated media and organizations.

From all of us in Media, Culture, and the Arts, we encourage you to contact us and learn more about our programs.