Emergency Response Plan
FOR AN EMERGENCY DIAL MGA Police at 478.934.3002 oR 911
My Direct Supervisor Is:
Phone Number:
Building/Room No.
Armed Intruder: Notify Middle Georgia State Police: 478.934.3002 or call 911. In case of an immediate life-threatening event, each individual should take whatever actions are necessary to protect his or her own life. If it is possible to flee the area safely and avoid danger, do so. If flight is impossible, lock (or barricade) all doors and secure yourself in a safe area. Remain in place until an "all clear" is given by an authorized person or law enforcement official.
If you observe a weapon on campus: You should remain calm and immediately contact Middle Georgia State Police: 478.934.3002 or call 911. DO NOT TOUCH THE WEAPON. If the situation warrants, remove yourself from the area in which the weapon is located. Advise Middle Georgia State Police of your exact location and a description of the weapon. Follow all instructions given to you by Police and/or other authorized personnel.
If you observe a person(s) with a weapon on campus: Do NOT approach the person(s) with the weapon. Remain calm and contact Middle Georgia State Police: 478.934.3002 or call 911. Provide all available information to Police including your name, phone number, a description of yourself, a description of the person with the weapon, the types of weapon (if you know) and the number of weapons you have observed as well as any other information that could be pertinent. Follow all instructions given to you by Police and/or other authorized personnel.
Snow, ice or flooding can make travel to and from campus hazardous. When the potential or conditions develop that would make travel to and from the campus hazardous, the following steps will be followed:
- Campus Police and/or a Senior On-Duty Officer will monitor the National Weather Service broadcasts and local reports, and will contact the Department of Transportation Road Condition office. Upon receipt of information that would make travel hazardous, the Senior On-Duty Officer will work with the Assistant VP of Facilities and the Chief of Police to identify the potential impact on the campus and the immediate area. If conditions threaten University operations, the University President will be contacted.
- The President will determine if campus operations are to be suspended. If they are to be suspended, the remainder of the Emergency Resource Team will be notified.
- The Senior Administrator will initiate campus notifications and news releases, will change the information for the campus information telephone line, and take other steps as directed.
- MGA Police Officers will initiate steps to secure the campus, prevent entry to the main entrance under hazardous conditions, and start the Emergency Command Post to continually monitor weather, news, road condition reports, and maintain communications between the switchboard operator and Emergency Resource Team members. Members of Facilities Operations may be called upon to assist.
During an earthquake, remain calm and quickly follow steps outlined below:
- If INDOORS, seek refuge in a doorway or under a desk or table. Stay away from glass windows, shelves, and heavy equipment.
- If OUTDOORS, move quickly away from buildings, utility poles, and other structures. CAUTION: Always avoid power or utility lines as they may be energized.
- If in an automobile, stop in the safest place available, preferably away from power lines and trees. Stop as quickly as safety permits but stay in your vehicle for the shelter it offers.
- After the initial shock, evaluate the situation and if emergency help is necessary, call MGA Police 478.934.3002 or call 911. Protect yourself at all times and be prepared for aftershocks.
- Damaged facilities should be reported to Facilities Operations. NOTE: Gas leaks and power failures create specific hazards.
- If an emergency exists, activate the building alarm. CAUTION: THE BUILDING ALARM RINGS LOCALLY INSIDE THE BUILDING - YOU MUST REPORT THE EMERGENCY TO MGA POLICE BY TELEPHONE 478.934.3002 or call 911.
When an injury, illness or medical emergency occurs:
Remain calm and assess the situation. Do NOT put yourself in danger.
Contact Middle Georgia State Police by dialing 478.934.3002 or calling 911.
Tell the dispatcher your location, your name, the nature and severity of the problem and other details concerning the emergency as necessary. Send another person to bring the building AED to your location.
- Do not move the injured/ill person unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
- Check breathing and initiate First Aid if trained to do so. If it is safe to do so, comfort them and reassure them that help is on the way. Do NOT touch the person if you are not certified in first aid and/or do not have personal protection gear if there is danger of coming into contact with bodily fluids.
- If you are certified in first aid and it is safe to do so, provide care to the person to the extent you are capable.
Follow all directions given to you by Middle Georgia State Police and/or other authorized personnel.
- Do not move the injured person. Notify the administrator's office or the school nurse immediately. If the injury is life threatening, dial 911. Comfort the student and assure them that help is on the way.
- Secure the scene, to insure that others are not in danger, and to preserve any information that investigation officials may later require.
- Building evacuations will occur when an alarm sounds and/or upon notification by Middle Georgia State University Police (MGA) or other designated Middle Georgia State officials. The call tree may only be activated by the President, or his designee. If the call tree is implemented, persons with calling responsibilities are encouraged to use the following verbiage:
"This is _____ calling from the Office of ___. The Emergency Call procedure has been activated. Call the next office on the Call Tree and relay the following information:_______________________________________. (This blank will contain the information from MGA relative to the emergency and specific actions to be taken.)"
- When the building evacuation alarm is activated during an emergency, leave by emergency evacuation route for the area in which you are located. If the exit is blocked, use the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same.
- Assist the handicapped in exiting the building. Do not use the elevators in case of fire and/or potential power loss.
- Once outside, proceed to a clear area that is as far away from the affected building as possible. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrant areas, and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. Know your assembly points.
- Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by a college official.
Campus Area Evacuation
- Evacuation of all or part of the campus grounds will be announced by the Chief of Police or his/her designee.
The MGA Police offer 24-hour assistance. Immediately contact Campus Police if hostile or violent behavior, actual or potential, is witnessed.
- Initiate immediate contact of MGA Police to ensure that a timely response has begun before a situation becomes uncontrollable.
- Leave the immediate area whenever possible and direct others to do so.
- Should gunfire or explosives hazard the campus, you should take cover immediately using all available concealment. Close and lock doors when possible to separate yourself and others from the armed suspect.
Hostage Situation
If taken hostage:
- Be patient. Time is on your side. Avoid drastic action.
- The initial 45 minutes are the most dangerous. Follow instructions and be alert. Captors are emotionally unbalanced. Don't make mistakes which could harm your well-being.
- Don't speak unless spoken to and then only when necessary. Don't talk down or attempt to rationalize with the captor. Avoid appearing hostile. Maintain eye contact with the captor at all times if possible but do not stare.
- Try to rest. Avoid speculating. Comply with instructions as best you can. Avoid arguments. Expect the unexpected, severe mood swings, irrational actions, etc. Displaying a certain amount of fear can possibly work to your advantage.
- Do not make quick or sudden moves. If you must go to the bathroom, need medications, or first aid, ask your captors.
- Be observant when you are released or if you escape. The personal safety of others may depend on what you remember about the situation.
All incidents of unintentional fires will be reported to the Middle Georgia State University Police immediately whether or not Fire Department Response is required. All department heads, supervisors, etc., will ensure that their employees are aware of the location of fire extinguishers and fire alarm pull boxes in their work area(s). All employees should be made aware of emergency evacuation routes for their work area, the location of fire exit windows, etc. Also, do not use elevators in the event of a fire.
In the event of a fire:
- If an emergency exists, activate the building alarm and contact Middle Georgia State University Police at 478.934.3002 or call 911.
- If a minor fire appears controllable, IMMEDIATELY contact, or direct someone in the area to contact MGA Police. Then promptly direct the charge of the fire extinguisher toward the base of the flame.
- On large fires that do not appear controllable, IMMEDIATELY activate the building alarm and contact or direct someone to contact the MGA Police. Close all doors while exiting the building to reduce oxygen and slow the spread of fire. DO NOT LOCK THE DOORS!
- Assist in the evacuation of the building. Smoke is the greatest danger in a fire, so be prepared to stay near the floor where the air will be less toxic.
- If trapped on a second story or higher, hang an article of clothing out of the window to signal security officers. Anyone trapped in the room should remain close to the floor to avoid smoke.
- During an evacuation, direct crowds away from fire hydrants and road ways, and clear sidewalks immediately adjacent to the building. Ask bystanders to assist in watching windows, doorways, etc., for persons who may be trapped inside. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RESCUE. NOTIFY SECURITY OR FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL.
In the event an accident occurs such as an explosion or a downed aircraft (crash) on campus, take the following action:
- Immediately take cover under tables, desks, or other objects which will provide protection against falling glass or debris.
- After effects of the explosion and/or fire have subsided, notify MGA Police at 478.934.3002 or call 911. Give your name and describe the location and nature of the emergency.
- If necessary, or when directed to do so, activate the building alarm. Caution: The building alarm rings only locally inside the building – you must report the emergency to MGA Police by telephone at 478.934.3002 or for life threatening emergencies call 911.
- When the building evacuation alarm is sounded or when told to leave by University officials, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and ask others to do the same.
- Assist the handicapped in exiting the building. Do not use elevators in case of fire. Do not panic or create panic in others.
- Once outside, move to a clear area that is as far away from the affected building as possible. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crew.
- If requested, assist emergency crews as necessary.
- A campus Emergency Command Post may be set up near the disaster site. Keep clear of the Command Post unless you have official business.
- Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by a college official.
- If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus DO NOT HANDLE THE OBJECT! Clear the area immediately and call MGA Police 478.934.3002) or call 911.
- Any person receiving a phone call bomb threat should attempt to ask the caller:
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is the bomb located?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What does it look like?
- Why did you place the bomb?
- What is your name?
Normally the caller will not answer these questions, but may make comments. During this time the person answering the phone should attempt to listen to background noises, accent of the caller, or any information that may be gathered from noises or sounds heard during the conversation.
- Keep talking to the caller as long as possible and record the following:
- Time of call.
- Age and sex of caller.
- Speech pattern, accent, possible nationality, etc.
- Emotional state of caller.
- Background noise.
- Report the incident immediately to MGA Police 478.934.3002 or call 911. The on-duty officer or senior officer in charge will notify the Emergency Coordinator. A decision will be made as to whether the building or area will be evacuated.
- BUILDING or BUILDINGS NOT EVACUATED - Campus Police may lead a search of the area. Employees in the affected area may be asked to assist in identifying items or conducting a brief search under the direction of Police and or Maintenance Employees.
- BUILDING or BUILDINGS EVACUATED - If the call tree is activated, call and calmly relay information directing others to evacuate the building. After your call tree responsibilities are complete, calmly evacuate the building and tell others to evacuate on your way out. ONCE OUTSIDE STAY AWAY FROM BUILDINGS, VEHICLES AND TRASH CONTAINERS. MGA Police will lead a search of the area.
Students, faculty, staff and visitors may contact Middle Georgia State University Police at 478.934.3002 or in case of a life-threatening emergency, call 911.
All faculty, staff and students at all locations of Middle Georgia State University should become familiar with severe weather conditions and what actions should be taken in the event they occur. These guidelines specifically concern alerts issued by the threat of tornados.
The Tornado Watch means that tornados could develop in this general area. The college will not attempt to notify all faculty, staff and students when a watch is issued, but campus police officers will actively monitor weather radios and weather conditions. Personnel will continue with their routine activities. Notification of the tornado watch to police will be delivered in by a variety of means.
A Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar in the general area.
AcUniversity faculty and staff should provide leadership for students and visitors. All personnel should close doors and go to the safest space available in the building. Do not go outside. Personnel will move to the lowest level in the building and an interior room or hallway away from windows and glass doors. If a tornado is approaching, take cover under a desk or table as an additional protective measure. If nothing is suitable to get under, get on the floor in the center of the room and remain until an all-clear indication is announced.
Tornados come and go quickly so there may not be time for a warning. When in doubt, take shelter.
If personnel are outside, the risk of injury is greatly reduced by moving inside a strong building. But if caught outside, personnel should stay out of automobiles and lie flat in ditches or culverts.
Middle Georgia State University endorses the preparedness guidelines assembled in a publication put together by the American Red Cross, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. A copy of that publication is at this Website location: www.nssl.noaa.gov/NWSTornado/.
Notify Middle Georgia State Police by dialing 478.934.3002 or call 911.
Attention of Middle Georgia State Police determines the report to be credible. Circumstances may include, but are not limited to:
- Circumstances establishing that a student is out of contact after reasonable efforts to reach that student by phone calls, emails, and/or in person attempts to establish contact;
- Circumstances indicate an act of criminality involved, even lacking twenty-four (24) hours in time;
- Circumstances indicate that physical safety is in danger, even lacking twenty-four (24) hours in time;
- Circumstances become known that medicine dependence may threaten life or health, even lacking twenty-four (24) hours in time;
- Existence of physical/medical disability indicates that the student's physical safety is in danger, even lacking twenty-four (24) hours in time.
Any official missing persons report relating to such student requires that Middle Georgia State Police be notified immediately to investigate and make a determination of their status.
During the investigation, the following information should be established and documented in a Police Incident report:
- Name and location/contact information of the person reporting the missing student.
- Name/vital information of the student reported to be out of contact
- Nature of the circumstances supporting the determination that the student is out of contact (time/date last seen or in contact with)
- Avenues to establish that the student remains out of contact (failure to respond to phone, email and in person attempts to contact by a Middle Georgia State official; parental notice or notice from reporting person outside the University; establishment of lapse of time of class attendance, lapse in affiliation with roommates and friends, or use of Middle Georgia State facilities/services; concern of incident of criminality or safety, etc.)
- Dates and times of notifications made
Hazardous chemicals are utilized on campus in various locations. Tractor trailers and contractors who may be traveling on campus may have hazardous chemicals that may threaten the environment of the campus in the event of a spill. The following steps will be followed in the event of a chemical or radiation spill:
- Any spillage of a hazardous chemical or radioactive materials will be reported immediately to the Facilities Operations Department 471.2780 and then to MGA Police at 478.934.3002
- When reporting, be specific about the material involved and approximate quantities. Facilities Operations will initiate the response of appropriate hazardous material response teams to effectively clean up the spill.
- MGA Police Officers on site should vacate the affected areas at once and seal it off to prevent further contamination of other areas until the arrival of Facilities Operations Personnel. At no time should anyone re-enter an area that has already been evacuated.
- If an evacuation is required, the person on site should activate the building alarm and follow standard evacuation routes that do not cross the area where the spill is located.
In its natural state, natural gas is colorless and odorless. An odorant called "mercaptan" is added to the odorless gas for safety purposes, and smells like rotten eggs. This additive makes even the smallest leaks easier to detect. Natural gas is flammable – if there is a flame or even a spark in the area of a leak, it could cause an explosion. Fortunately, natural gas leaks are very rare, and explosions are even more uncommon. The mixture of natural gas and oxygen in the air must be at a precise proportion for a spark to set it off.
- If you smell a natural gas odor:
- Do not try to locate the gas leak.
- Evacuate the building by the nearest exit. Notify other building occupants to do so as well. If persons with disabilities cannot safely evacuate the building, assist them to the nearest stairwell away from the emergency area. Alert emergency personnel of their location. Do not stop to open a window.
- Do not use any devices that might create a spark, such as light switches, phones, flashlights, or electric appliances, including computers. Don't turn off or unplug electrical appliances. A spark could ignite the gas.
- Once outside, move away from the building at least 150 feet. Keep walkways clear for emergency crews.
- Activate fire alarm OUTSIDE the area of the leak.
- Go to a nearby phone and call MGA Police at 478.934.3002 or call 911. State the location and extent of involvement of the gas leak.
- Keep everyone away from the building until given the "all clear" from security.
- Campus Police will notify the following:
Fire Department 911 Atlanta Gas Light Company 1.800.427.5463 Physical Facilities 478.471.2780 (Macon) 478.929.6732 (Warner Robins) 478.934.3000 (Cochran) 478.374.6403 (Eastman) 478.275.6777 (Dublin)
Demonstrations may be conducted on campus. Demonstrations will not be interrupted unless one or more of the following conditions exist as a result of the demonstration:
- INTERFERENCE with normal operations of the University.
- PREVENTION of access to offices, buildings, or other University facilities.
- THREAT of physical harm to persons or damage to University facilities.
- If any of these conditions exist, immediately contact MGA Police 478.934.3002.
- Generally, demonstrations of this kind should not be interrupted, obstructed or provoked and efforts should be made to conduct University business as normally as possible.
- If demonstrators are asked to leave but refuse to leave by regular facility closing time:
- Arrangements will be made by the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs or the President to monitor the situation during non-business hours, OR
- Determination will be made to treat the violation of regular closing hours as a disruptive demonstration.
- In the event that a demonstration blocks access to University facilities or interferes with the operation of the University:
- Demonstrators will be asked to terminate the disruptive activity by either the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean of Students, or the President.
- The Vice President and Dean of Students or President will, if deemed appropriate, have a photographer with them to document proceedings.
- Key University personnel and student leaders will be asked by the Vice President and Dean of Students or President to go to the areas and persuade the demonstrators to desist.
- The Vice President and Dean of Students or President will go to the area and ask the demonstrators to leave or to discontinue the disruptive activities.
- If the demonstrators persist in the disruptive activity, they will be advised that failure to discontinue the specified action within a determined length of time may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion or possible intervention by Middle Georgia State Police. Except in extreme emergencies, the President will be consulted before such disciplinary actions are taken.
- Efforts should be made to secure positive identification (including photographs if deemed advisable) of demonstrators in violation to facilitate later testimony.
- After consultation with the President and Director of Facilities Operations by the Vice President and Dean of Students, the need for an injunction of civil authorities will be determined.
- During regular office hours:
- The Vice President and Dean of Students and all available Middle Georgia State University Police will be summoned to the scene.
- The Vice President and Dean of Students will alert the President and call for a photographer to report to a desirable location in order to photograph the demonstrators.
- Campus Police will provide sufficient officers to contain the demonstrators. Should an insufficient number of officers be available, the Chief of Police will request backup officers from local law enforcement agencies as needed.
- After regular office hours:
- Middle Georgia State Police will be notified immediately of the disturbance.
- Middle Georgia State Police will investigate the disruption and report findings to the President.
- The President will notify key administrators, and if appropriate, the administrator responsible for the area of demonstration.
- During regular office hours: