Enrollment & Degree Verifications
Middle Georgia State University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as our agent for all verifications of student enrollment and degrees awarded. Any request for a degree verification will be referred to the National Clearinghouse. For information, please visit the Clearinghouse online at www.studentclearinghouse.org or contact them by phone at 703.742.4200.Degree Verification
The Clearinghouse currently has a database with degree award information for students who have graduated since 1996. If an inquiry involves a student who graduated prior to 1996, or is not in the database, the Clearinghouse e-mails the Registrar's Office for that information which is contained in a manual legacy system. The response typically is immediate or within one business day. The information furnished then is added to the existing Clearinghouse database. Degree award information is furnished to the Clearinghouse at the conclusion of each term after graduates have cleared. Typically, that information is available within 30 days after the semester is over. Data for semester is furnished a second time approximately 90 days after the semester is over to ensure the inclusion of late graduates.
Enrollment Verification
Enrollment verification data is furnished initially to the Clearinghouse approximately two weeks after classes for the semester has begun after all "drop" actions have occurred. Information is furnished periodically through the semester to update the Clearinghouse database. During this two-week interim period, the Office of the Registrar can accommodate emergency verification requests. Students who need more information concerning this and how to obtain a "free enrollment verification" from the Clearinghouse should see below.
Typically, because of file submission by the College and processing by Clearinghouse, there is a two-week delay after the beginning of the semester before Clearinghouse will be able to perform their service. In the interim, the Office of the Registrar and off-campus offices can accommodate emergency verification requests, but only after classes have begun and the Add/Drop (Schedule Adjustment) period is over. The College does not furnish enrollment verifications prior to this, but will provide students who request the service a Letter of Registration instead. However, students should be aware that this is not an enrollment verification, but simply a confirmation that the student has registered for a upcoming semester. As such, the document may not be acceptable to an insurance company.
Free Enrollment Verification for Students
Students may obtain free 24/7 enrollment verification service from the Clearinghouse by logging on to their student accounts on Banner-Web.
How to Obtain Your Student Enrollment Verification Certificate on-line 24/7
Students can obtain a free official Enrollment Verification Certificate from the National Clearinghouse through their SWORDS account as follows:
- Logon to Banner-Web using your Student ID (SSN in most cases) and your PIN.
- Click on Student Services and Financial Aid and then Student Records.
- Input your SSN without hyphens in the box at the bottom of the page (See example below). Then, click on Enrollment Verification. This will take you to the Clearinghouse Web Site where you can select either current or all enrollment before you print your free verification. After printing is complete, please log-out from the Clearinghouse site. You will return to Banner-Web.
- Remember, you can only receive a free Enrollment Verification through Banner-Web. Otherwise, you will have to pay a nominal charge ($2.50) using a credit card at the Clearinghouse Web site.
- The Enrollment Verification Certificate can be presented to health insurance agencies, consumer product companies, banks, etc., when asked to provide official evidence of enrollment at Middle Georgia State University. If you experience any problems with this service, please be sure to notify the Registrar's Office.