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All MGA classes* now have a waitlist option to accommodate your needs. If a class you want or need is full when you register for classes, you have the option to join a wait list.

*If you are needing to waitlist for a science lecture / lab (e.g. BIOL 1114K and BIOL 1114L) you only need to enter the wait list for the lab portion of course (e.g. BIOL 1114L).

What is a registration waitlist?

It is an electronic list of students who are waiting to register for a full class. Students may sign up for this when they attempt to register for a section that has reached its capacity.

How does it work?

If someone who is currently enrolled drops the course and you are next on the list, an email will be sent to your student email informing you that a slot is available. You will have exactly 24 hours to log onto your SWORDS account and add the course to your schedule. Failure to do so will automatically remove you from the waitlist, and the space will be given to the next student in line on the waitlist.

If you receive notification for the lab portion for a science lecture / lab (e.g. BIOL 114L), you will need to also register for a seat in an available lecture portion as well (e.g. BIOL 1114K).

How to get added to a waitlist

Click here for a short video on how to wait list a course, or

Here for a short video explaining how to register for a wait listed course.